Affirmed Women

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There's Power in Your Journey to Wholeness

Growing up, I didn’t realize how special I was created to be by God. Sure, I went to church at my parents’ mandate. From that requirement, I attended all services and even participated in the youth activities there – the youth choir, the youth usher board, and youth leadership activities. However, I did not learn how much detail was put into creating me until I began to seek my own understanding of who God is. The more I learned about the limitless love, grace, and mercy given freely to me each day of life despite my imperfections, failures, mistakes, and selfishness, I began to yearn to learn more about God and in turn, I began to learn more about how He sees me. Seeking to understand how God sees me despite lots of opinions from family and friends about what they desired me to be was the key that unlocked and began my journey to truth and wholeness. This journey to wholeness was the most vulnerable, transparent, yet rewarding thing I’ve ever embarked on.  As a matter of fact, I wouldn’t be living my best life without choosing to move towards this understanding despite the fear and anxiety I initially felt at the start of the journey.

 I have gained purpose, confidence, peace, and drive to complete all things I’m here to do. I am totally comfortable in my skin flaws and all because I know now that God uses all of it to impact those I’m destined to connect and reach by being myself.

Each one of us has been fashioned and created to do great things with the lives we’ve been gifted. All gifts and talents within each of us are there to aid in us fulfilling our purpose. I learned the power of seeking God for understanding of my existence and purpose for being here instead of relying on people to validate and accept me. I’ve learned the beauty within my brokenness, the power of contentment, and the gift of communication.

There is nothing that you can do to disqualify yourself for the unlimited love of God. I want to encourage you to take the steps to truly learn who you are in God so that you can become all that He has destined you to be. Below are some nuggets that I want to leave you with as you make the steps to unlocking your greatness within.


1.     You are not your mistakes. God has forgiven you so forgive yourself TODAY.

2.     You were chosen before the foundation of the world. God designed a plan for you before you took your first breath of life.

3.     God is the definition of love. Understanding how endless, unlimitless, and consistent He loves you is the true definition of love and in turn, you must learn to love Him first so you know how to properly nurture and love yourself, which is the only way you will know how to give love and receive love from others.

4.     Don’t compare yourself to others. Comparison is the enemy of authenticity. The same time God took to create your authentic blueprint is the same time and patience you must give yourself to embrace all of you with intention and love. Being different is one of your superpowers of dopeness! Be bold and confident in yourself.

5.     Be patient with yourself. Unlearning negative thinking, self-sabotaging actions, and discarding people’s ideal of who they see you as being takes time. Be consistent on your journey to wholeness no matter how many times you have to pause during the journey. No one can do the work for you, but trust me, you are worth the work to unlock your truth and your wholeness.


About the Author

As a certified Personal Development and Executive Coach (lovingly nicknamed "The Success Architect"), I am passionate about helping women find and fulfill their life purpose with confidence, tenacity, and authenticity. My purpose is to awaken your greatness and illuminate the power and passion that lies within each of you. Inspiration, empowerment, and introspection are tools that can prepare you for your purpose and I’m excited about helping you reach your best self so in turn, you can love, serve, and empower others to do the same. I am the founder of the Beautifully Made Movement which focuses on individual consciousness about the brilliance and authenticity each of us possesses. Beauty begins inwardly and can never be summed up solely by our exterior. The Beautifully Made movement is rewriting the definition of beauty taunted in society today. This movement celebrates what makes us different in thought and experiences as well as what makes us the same. I’m humbled and grateful for the opportunity to serve in this capacity so feel to reach out and share how I can be of service to you and/or your organization and/or events.

Connect with Melanie

Instagram: @melaniedivey/@beautifullymade_themovement

Twitter: @melaniedivey

Facebook: @beautifullymade

YouTube: Melanie D Ivey
