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She Who Believes...Seeks!

By: Jennifer Uwanaka

Potential. We all desire it. We all want others to see that in us. What really makes someone have potential? Is it their educational background? Or maybe their family upbringing. These are the questions that have been stirring in my mind lately.  I have been wondering who are the individuals who get the most opportunities?  I often tell myself, it must be the ones who believed they had potential and then sought out resources.

Now, I have always believed that if you truly want something, and you believe in yourself that you can obtain what you want, ultimately, you will receive it. But, that very belief that I have always held true to myself, lately has been something that I question when it comes to my personal life.

I have been at this place in my life where I desire to be a wife to a wonderful husband, but for the past six years, this has been my prayer, and it has yet to come to pass. I tell myself, well I know I have the potential to be a great wife one day.  I am a beautiful  Christian woman, quite successful in my career and education, and the leader of a flourishing women’s ministry, what is there about me that does not scream POTENTIAL?

Now, back to the individuals who have potential and have sought out the resources to receive what they are seeking. When I think about this approach, my mind immediately tells me to hesitate when it comes to seeking out a husband. The traditions and beliefs of the modern church begin to stir in my mind. You know, the one where we talk about how the man is to find his wife? Not the other way around. So then I sit and I wait. Not waiting stagnantly, but frantically trying to find an answer in the bible that tells me its ok to seek out resources when it comes to finding a suitable spouse. I then come to this scripture in the Bible from Matthew 7 verse 7-8.

“Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks...finds. And everyone who knocks the door will be opened.”

Now, whenever I study this scripture, it’s always at a time in my life where I really need encouragement in my prayer life. Especially, when I have been praying and I am ready to throw in all of the towels. God simply reminds me of His faithfulness, and that He is in tune with all of my wants and desires.  In this scripture, He reminds me that I do have potential, and I do have resources. HIM! God is my resource for everything I do in my life, even if I don’t always see it. There is no discrimination in this scripture in terms of a woman or man seeking out resources. It says EVERYONE who knocks the door will be opened. So I have faith that as I continue to seek God, the perfect time will come, and I will not only be sought out because of my potential, but I will be chosen because of my persistence in the time I took in seeking God.


About the Author

Jennifer Uwanaka resides in Alexandria, Virginia and is an educator at The George Washington University, where she works in the field of admissions and college access for underrepresented minority students. She marries her love for mentoring underprivileged youth with her women’s organization, Beautiful Believers. The focus of her organization is to empower and encourage women who struggle with self-doubt and to break down the barriers that keep them from recognizing their true potential. She will never pass up a great cup of coffee and spending time with her loved ones, especially her two favorites niece and nephew, Isaiah and Christina.


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