Affirmed Women

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From Self-Confidence to God-fidence!

I must be honest. I don’t always feel confident and I venture to believe that I am not the only person who feels this way. In the spirit of self-love this past February, I explored my personal journey to confidence. Funny enough all my journeys begin with a dictionary! What is self-confidence anyway? Confidence is To believe in oneself, in one’s powers and abilities ( I don’t know about you, but I don’t always trust in or believe in myself (Insert: “Oh yea, I will definitely exercise every day this week!”). The point is that what we really want is confidence in God and not in ourselves. As many of my friends say, let’s call it God-fidence!

Through prayer, journaling and meditating on affirming “I Am” scriptures God showed me four areas where reoccurring doubtful questions threatened my confidence. I’ll share those doubtful questions, how I answered them with the Word of God and how you can too.

Question 1: Am I too much?

As early as the fifth grade I wanted to be thinner than I was. I grew up as a chubby kid, to a big-boned teenager, and now a plus-sized adult. On top of that the echo of my laughter fills most rooms and my personality is not too far behind. Needless to say I do not blend in easily! While I now see these characteristics as strengths I used to wonder if I were just plain too much. Until one day I considered the fact that God does nothing small! Recall some of Jesus’s miracles. He fed 5,000 with only two pieces of fish, five loaves of bread, and still had leftovers for the disciples (John 6)! We know that God is able to do exceeding abundantly above all we could ask or think (Ephesians 3:20). Abraham even referred to God as El Shaddai which means Almighty God, having unlimited power (see Exodus 6:1-9). Knowing that I am made in His image I know that being “the most” is being like God!  

Question 2: Am I smart enough?

I failed a math class in college and I thought I failed at life altogether! From there started an epic questioning of my intelligence as it related to quantitative matters. But God led me through a series of experiences (i.e. investment industry career, Masters in Business Administration, etc.) to prove to me that I actually do have the capacity to learn in this area; and, that I was pretty smart! The truth is that I have the mind of Christ and so do you. When this question pops into my mind I quickly recall 1 Corinthians 2:16 and exclaim, “Jesus is smart so I am smart!”.

Question 3: Am I good?

Comparison is a tricky, sneaky thief. What starts off as scrolling through the ‘gram can quickly turn into measuring yourself up to someone else’s filter-perfect newsfeed. I remember when in my early 20’s I so desperately wanted to please God and be a “good” Christian (whatever that is). I found myself insecure about my relationship with God and I desired to be close to Him. Sounds endearing, right? Wrong! It took a gentle conversation with my pastor to reassure me. He reminded me since God lived within me, I was actually as close to God as I would ever be . . . today! I was also reminded that when God created me He declared me “good” (see Genesis 1:31). You have nothing to prove. Trust me, you are so good.

Question 4: Am I worthy?

Like many women (and men) I attached my worth to whether anyone else found me desirable. No, I didn’t have so-called “daddy issues,” but I did have a Daddy issue. I didn’t trust the love God so freely bestowed upon me. Through journaling my thoughts over the years and searching the Bible for affirming scriptures I finally accepted the fact that I am worthy! Don’t get me wrong, this was not a once and done kind of revelation. I had to work this out daily. There are still some days when I mistakenly forget how worthy I am of God’s love and blessings. However, I quickly remind myself with scriptures like, “. . . I am fearfully and wonderfully made,” Psalm 139:14. Rejoice! Because you can accept all that God has for you too!

I share these stories because you may have also questioned your self-worth. Or perhaps there are moments when you don’t feel very confident. Well, there’s no need to strive for self-confidence anymore. Aim to have confidence in God.

About LeeAnn Sims:

LeeAnn Sims went from a size twenty-four to six and then back again – so she knows all about seeing life from varied perspectives. She’s experienced the embarrassment of having to exit a roller coaster ride after the attendant couldn’t buckle her into the seat. But she’s also felt the glow that comes with exchanging a dress for the next size down. One thing she’s learned: Insecurities don’t magically slip away with the pounds, which is why it’s important to find your inner D.I.V.A. by focusing on Discipline, Inspiration, Victory, and Acceptance. LeeAnn is the author of The Weight Loss DIVA: Discover the Discipline, Inspiration, Victory & Acceptance Within You! In 2016, she launched the first annual “Fit & Fab Weekend” as an outlet for faith-filled women looking for healthy advice, practical information, and encouragement on their wellness journey so they can celebrate where they are while pursuing the best version of themselves. This two-day experience focuses on the whole person—spirit, mind, and body. Sims currently resides in Maryland with her husband and works as a Diversity & Inclusion Leader for the top health insurance company in the region. LeeAnn is passionate about encouraging others. She is a wellness advocate, motivational speaker, and philanthropist. She has been featured in SHAPE, Essence, The Today Show, and various local media publications.

You can connect with LeeAnn Sims on

Instagram: @leeann.sims
Twitter: @leeannsims_
Facebook @leeannwillissims

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