Affirmed Women

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You're Capable of More

As I look back over these last few months, I'm just in awe of where God is leading me. This pandemic has been hard on a lot of us. I would say more on the extroverts than introverts, but I consider myself an introvert. I love being home, small crowds, and alone time. But I have to say that I am really starting to miss not seeing people and going wherever I want whenever I want without thinking about COVID-19.

Even with the pandemic, I have seen tremendous growth within myself. I have been intentional about living life and pursuing purpose. I'm doing things I never felt comfortable doing and doing things I never thought I would do. For instance, back in May, I decided to go to school for Psychology in Christian Counseling. Well, actually Holy Spirit nudged me to pursue a career in counseling. Going to school was the last thing on my mind, but now that I'm in it, I am so glad I heard the Holy Spirit's voice. In just these few classes, I have a new perspective on life and a new understanding of who I am. It's like I had a mind shift and clarity about who I am. I'm finding out things about myself that I didn't know existed in me. One, I'm more focused, I've been getting excellent grades (I wasn't an A student in High School), I'm more confidant in who I am, and I see life differently.

I didn't know I was capable of some of the recent things I encountered over these last several months. It's like I discovered a new version of who I am by being obedient to God's voice. I've been obedient to His voice many times before, but this time was different. I think because this time I know, it was all Him directing me because this was something I didn't even think about doing or saw as a part of my future. But it has been amazing. I feel freer to just be me. I have this confidence that I never had, and I'm at this point where I feel fearless. That I'm capable of doing everything that God has called me to do. God has been showing me Me, the real Me, the one that was always in there but was afraid to come out. It's like I'm finally starting to see who I was always meant to be.

These last few months, I have been intentional about everything I do. No longer will I allow the enemy to hold me in bondage with negative thinking, insecurities, and fear. I've taken control of my health (I haven't had a sickle cell crisis in months). There are things that I've been working on for years and finally got enough courage to actually complete it and put it out there.  God has been so incredible, and I sincerely thank Him for loving me the way He does.

I want you to know that you are capable of more. God has so much in store for you. You just have to be open and allow Him to show you, YOU. Allow Him to show you all the things you are capable of doing. He wants to take you to new places in your thinking and in your life. He wants you to push past the fear and the anxiety that you have about doing certain things. He created you, so He knows how powerful you are and what you're capable of doing. Trust Him with your whole heart. He wants to use you in ways you never thought possible. Walk-in that boldness and confidence that Jesus did because it's in you. There's so much in you that you're not even aware of. Believe in yourself because there's a world out there waiting to meet all of you. You're capable of every amazing thing that God wanted you to be and created you to be.
