Affirmed Women

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Overcoming Life's Challenges

Last year (2019) was a pretty tough year for our family, but it also bled into 2020. It started well, but halfway through the year, we experienced so much chaos. We were in the process of selling and buying a home at the same time. So, there were stressors just within that process. Because we were self-employed, the finance department felt like they were giving us the hardest time. We weren’t sure if we were going to be moving into our new home. We had already sold our home and was packing our things to move out. Then we started having some hiccups with the buyers, and things on both ends were being pushed back on top of all of that my mother in law passed away unexpectantly. We had just heard from her that morning of June 30th, 2019, and by that evening, we received a call that she was gone. 

I felt like the enemy was playing games with us and was trying to put our backs up against a wall. Now on top of the buying and selling process, we had to also plan for a funeral service. Trying to filter through our emotions were tough. My husband was really close to his mom, and although my heart was hurting because of her death, it hurt more for my husband’s loss. I knew how much she meant to him and the impact she made on his life. I also knew that there would be this void in his life because of her absence. But my husband showed great strength and used her death to see something positive out it. He had a greater appreciation for life.

But the challenges we faced didn’t stop there towards the end of the year (December 13th to be exact). I received a call from my mother that my dad was going to the hospital from his job. He couldn’t remember where he was, so someone from his job called my mom and then called the ambulance to come to take him to the hospital. My father is still a pretty young guy. He’s not even 60 yet and never had any health conditions. My husband and I dropped what we were doing, made plans for someone to watch our daughter, and went to North Carolina. This story would literally be a book if I wrote all the details that took place next. But all I know is that the enemy tried to take his life, and for two months, all we could do was trust God that he was going to pull through this. This was one of the most challenging things I had to deal with because it was scary, and it was heavy, and so many emotions were involved. But my family pulled together, and there was even some healing that took place within my family. We don’t know what was actually wrong with him. The Doctor’s were at a loss. But two days In a row, my family and I went up in that room and prayed like we never prayed before, and right after that, we saw a turnaround in him, and less than 2 weeks later, he was home. No one cannot tell me that God’s not real and that He doesn’t hear our prayers. 

I was glad that my dad was home and well, and now I was able to be back home with my family and focus on what was next…but then…COVID-19 hit, and we were now on shutdown. Honestly, I wasn't upset about it because it has given me time to just rest after everything my family has been through over the last year. This was definitely much needed, and we haven’t missed a beat since it happened. I have learned to appreciate the small things and to trust God through every challenge. 

I wanted to share with you some tips that I learned about Overcoming Life Challenges:

1.     Stay Positive:

It’s easy to focus on the negativity that’s taking place around you when it comes to challenges in your life. But no matter how hard it may seem, try to find something positive around you that’s going on, like waking up in the morning, having your family and friends to count on, still being able to pay your bills...etc. We can always find something to be grateful for.

2.     Ask for Help/Accept Support:

Sometimes, it’s hard to ask for help or accept help when going through a challenge. Sometimes we don’t want others to know what we are going through. But remember that you are not alone, and others have gone through similar challenges. You’d be surprised at how much support you receive if you just reach out and ask for help and receive that support. 

3.     Don’t allow challenges to bring you down:

This one can be a bit hard because when you are being hit hard and get knocked down, you feel that there is no way you can get back up. There are so many heavy emotions that come with challenges, especially those hard ones. But you must realize how strong you are, and every time the enemy tries to bring you down through those challenges, remind yourself of who you are in Christ. Get back up and keep fighting because you will declare victory. 

4.     Take Care of You:

During those hard challenges in life, you must take time to just take of yourself. Sometimes you’re going to have to take a break and shut off the world around (especially social media), find something on tv that you know will make you laugh, catch up with friends and don’t even speak on what is going on with you but dive into their world. Sometimes exercising or going for a walk can relieve some of that stress your body may be under because of the challenge. Spend time with just you and Jesus and play worship music (I find worshiping God to be my best release). Just simply love up on you.

5.     Trust God and draw close to Him:

As a believer, this is the most essential thing that you must do. Because when you are focusing on your problems, it’s hard to see God at work and know that He is continuously working on your behave. God is concerned about everything that you are concerned about. During challenges, the best thing you could do for yourself is draw even closer to God and trust and know that He will get you through whatever you’re going through. You are His child, and He wants to take care of you. 

So, no matter what you may be going through, remember these five tips and know that there is light at the end of that tunnel.

#Stay Affirmed!

I love you, my sister, and I’m praying for you. Remember to like, comment, and share.