Affirmed Women

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Lord Save Me from Her

I am at this place in my life where I’m discovering who I am and who God has made me to be. It’s been pretty surprising to me.  I’ve been doing things that I never felt comfortable with doing before or being more relaxed when I’m around people I don’t really know.

I’m on a new journey with myself and I’m getting to know the new me more and more each day and I love who I am becoming.

But every now and again I still run into that old person who happens to be the old me. There are times that I still find myself doubting myself or not believing in myself enough. Sometimes I feel like, maybe I can’t do this or maybe I shouldn’t be doing this. That old me sometimes tries to remind me of what I use to be and how I use to think.

But then I remember who I am today and the person I strive every day to be. I’m reminded of my creator and why He created me. I’m reminded that I have already been affirmed. That God chose me and have me here for a time as this.

Recently I asked God to Save Me from Her. Save me from the girl I use to be. Save me from that girl who never believed in herself. Save me from that girl who dealt with so many years of insecurities. Save me from that girl who always needed people’s approval to feel good about herself. Save me from that girl who never felt like she was enough, like she wasn’t important or she wasn’t worth it.

            I don’t ever want to be that girl again because that girl was uncertain with who she was and who God created her to be. That girl past made her believe those things about herself. That girl listened to the lies of Satan.

You see, I need saving from the old me. It took years to become her. So, I know that it’s going to take some time to truly get rid of her, but the old me doesn’t belong here anymore. I have seen things through a different set of eyes and I want better for myself. I know that I can have better. I want the abundant life that Jesus came to give me. No longer will I be a slave to my past of thoughts and fears and doubt.

I am a new person. I know that I’m not where I want to be, but thank God I’m not where I use to be. I have decided to walk boldly with more confidence, more dreams, and more happiness than ever before.

Know that you don’t have to allow that old you to try to come back and take over your life. Not when God has made you a new creation. No longer do you have to be who you use to be. Satan wants to remind you of who you once thought and believed you were, but God reminds you of who you’ve always been in Him.

Remember who you are. You are a child of the most High God. You are Fearfully and Wonderfully Made. You are Made in the Image and Likeness of God. You are God’s Masterpiece. You have been Chosen and you have been Called.



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